
More Annoyed than Amused

The Uterus is Closed for Business

Posted by parsingtime on January 11, 2010

Me laying in bed with debilitating cramps (it might have been gas, constipation, uterus growth or all of them for all I know) that had me deep breathing (low tolerance for pain) and praying for it to end.

You know I read in the book that once you get pregnant with your second child, your uterus is already stretched out so it doesn’t hurt as much.

I give him the stare of death. It’s the stare you get when your wife is in too much pain to kick you in the nuts but she is thinking about how much pleasure that would give her.

What? What did I say.

Death stare continues.

Okay, I’m just going to go back to reading my book. Pretend I never said anything.

The next morning…

I think you should let me get through the first pregnancy before you start planning the next one because as far as I can tell right now my uterus is giving you one child and you’re going to find a surrogate or adopt the rest.

2 Responses to “The Uterus is Closed for Business”

  1. Emilia said

    I think Kelly would be able set him straight about that…

  2. Kelly said

    I do think the actual birth and recovery was easier the second time(but that could be because number 2 was over a pound lighter) , but not the pregnancy. Sorry, but that pain is just a warm up. You’ll handle it fine though. Now if the men had to have the babies, we’d all be only children.

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