
More Annoyed than Amused

And suppose I never met you, suppose we never fell in love

Posted by parsingtime on February 12, 2007

Husband and I met up with a friend from college on Friday. John and his co-worker were in town for a work function. When the co-worker asked how Husband and I met John commented that our dating life was “complicated” but it didn’t matter because we were married now.

I’m just going to say, Ross and Rachel took a break and they worked out fine and our break didn’t even involve other people, cheating or an out of wedlock baby. I’ll admit to some (read: a lot) of bitterness over the Spanish breakup but it all worked out.

Our first Valentines day Husband made me a mixed CD of songs, got me flowers, a stuffed animal and chocolates and we went out to a fancy dinner. This valentines we will be in (that pesky nor’easter is supposed to be dropping a crap load of snow wednesday), I’ll make something special for dinner and we’ll hang out. And it will be great.

When  I was little I never understood why there was no pomp and circumstance around my parents anniversary or Valentines Day. I understand now. It’s the reason John Mayer wrote Comfortable.

One Response to “And suppose I never met you, suppose we never fell in love”

  1. kids love stuffed animal because they are very cute and soft to touch “

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