
More Annoyed than Amused

Losing It

Posted by parsingtime on September 3, 2010

The top off N’s head smells like chocolate to me. Resisting the urge to lick it since that would probably have me coughing up a hair ball.

I think the diet is making me lose it (mind not weight)….if I see one more lentil or bowl of minestrone soup it will be too soon.

Happy two month birthday N.  Mama doesn’t have time to write you a letter because at the ripe old age of 60 days you have decided that naps are for wussy babies.  This is contributing to the loss of mama’s mental faculties.

One Response to “Losing It”

  1. Emilia said

    Why are you pinching that sweet baby in the first picture? You must be pinching her. She’s too sweet to do that on her own!

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